TSB - Up to £225 when you switch current account 🔥

Earn - Up to £225 | Time - 15 minutes | Cash Needed - £0 | Expired

  • TSB is a retail bank with a trusted customer brand, heritage stretching back to the start of the savings bank movement 200 years ago, and a committed workforce that offer full service banking to more than five million customers.

    Switch banks here and receive up to £225 in bonus.

  • 1) Apply for a new TSB Spend & Save or Spend & Save Plus account through tsb.co.uk, the TSB Mobile Banking App or in Branches. Topcashbackare also paying £20 cashback on standard accounts and £40 on plus accounts - we haven’t had anyone confirm this works yet but it’s completely free and could get you an extra bonus for something you’re doing anyway! It’s as simple as searching TSB on Topcashback and going through the link they provide.

    *Update - Quidco (cashback provider) have the above offer but for £30 on standard accounts!

    2) Submit a full switch request via tsb.co.uk or in branch to your new TSB Spend & Save or Spend & Save Plus account using the Current Account Switch Service. The switch must be initiated before the offer is withdrawn and complete within 21 days of you requesting it.

    *A full switch means all of your active credits and debits from your old account (not held with TSB) will be transferred across automatically as part of the service and your account will be closed.


    By 15 March 2024 you must do all of the following:

    • Make a minimum of one payment using the debit card on your new Spend & Save or Spend & Save Plus account.

    • Log into the TSB Mobile Banking App at least once.

    • Have a minimum of 2 active Direct Debits on your new Spend & Save or Spend & Save Plus account (you could transfer these from your old account or set new ones up).

    If these conditions are met, TSB will pay £125 into the new account between 20 March 2024 and 29 March 2024.

    *You can also earn up to £60 double cashback. To be eligible for the double cashback, you must first complete the switch incentive conditions above and then:

    • Make 20 or more payments using your debit card each calendar month to earn £5 cashback. For the first six calendar months (including the month your account is opened), if you meet the required number of transactions, we will double the cashback. This will appear as two £5 payments on your transactions and may occur on different dates.

    Join the discussion for this offer here.

    To make sure you never miss an offer like this, join our WhatsApp notification channel!


HSBC - Get paid £220 to switch your account 🔥


RBS - £200 when you switch current account 🔥