Shares - Get a free share of your choice worth £5 📈
Earn - Up to £5 | Time - 5 minutes | Cash Needed - £5 | Expired
Shares is an investment platform much like Trading 212. You can invest into over 1500+ companies.
Sign up to Shares here and get a free share of your choice worth £5.
1) Grab a referral code below.
2) Sign up and create both social and investment profiles. (During the onboarding process, you will be able to choose your special present - a stock you’d like Shares to invest £5 into on your behalf).
3) Deposit at least £5 to your Shares account (you don’t need to invest this).
4) They will automatically buy you the stock you’ve chosen for £5 when the market opens. Until that time you will see the chosen stock with the pending status.
5) You can then sell/withdraw your free share after 30 days.
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