How to Get Meerkat Movies for Free + Request a Code!

Meerkat Movies is a popular perk in the UK that lets you enjoy 2-for-1 cinema tickets every Tuesday and Wednesday at participating cinemas. It's part of Compare the Market’s rewards scheme, which initially launched to encourage users to compare and buy insurance products. But what many people don’t realise is that you don’t need to make a purchase to benefit from it. Simply getting a quote is enough to unlock Meerkat Movies, and here’s how you can do it for free.

Don’t have the time to read this guide? Simply request a code on our Facebook community from other users here.

What is Meerkat Movies?

Meerkat Movies offers 2-for-1 cinema tickets every week, letting you bring a friend along for free or split the cost of two tickets, making your cinema trips much cheaper. The offer applies to most major UK cinema chains, including Vue, Cineworld, Odeon, and Empire, among others. The only catch is you need to be signed up for Compare the Market’s rewards program, which is generally associated with buying insurance, energy, or broadband through their comparison site.

But here’s a little-known hack: you can simply get an insurance quote and access Meerkat Movies without actually purchasing anything.

How to Get Meerkat Movies for Free:

Follow these simple steps to unlock 2-for-1 movie tickets without spending a penny:

  1. Do an Insurance Quote
    Head to Compare the Market’s website and start an insurance quote. You could use something simple like holiday or travel insurance, which takes just a few minutes to complete. Don’t worry, you don’t have to follow through with the purchase—just getting the quote will give you access to Meerkat Movies.

  2. Download the Meerkat App
    Once you’ve completed your quote, download the Meerkat app on your phone. It’s available for both iOS and Android devices.

  3. Create an Account
    Sign up for an account using the same email address you used to get your insurance quote. This is important because the system will link your email to the quote, even if you didn’t buy anything.

  4. Verify the Quote
    Once logged in, you should see your quote pop up in the app. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t make a purchase—Compare the Market’s system isn’t sophisticated enough to check whether you actually bought the insurance. Simply clicking through the quote is enough to activate your access.

  5. Access Meerkat Movies
    After completing the steps above, you’ll have unlocked your Meerkat Movies rewards. You can now book your 2-for-1 tickets for any Tuesday or Wednesday cinema showing, and you’ll have access to this benefit for a full 12 months.

What You Get with Meerkat Movies

Once you’ve unlocked Meerkat Movies, you can take advantage of 2-for-1 cinema tickets on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at many major UK cinemas. You simply need to book your tickets through the app or present your code when you arrive at the cinema. With the rising cost of cinema tickets, this is an excellent way to save money on your trips.


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